Friday, January 27, 2012

We got an update!

Well, we finally received the update on Sophie that we had asked for. We only got one new photo, but it was a good one! As you can see, the photo is a picture of her standing. That is a huge blessing. If you remember, many families had opted not to pursue Sophie because of the fact that she couldn't walk. We felt that God asked us to bring her home regardless. After reviewing her file, and seeing how malnurished she was and how little attention she gets, we figured that she would be able to walk eventually. This picture validates those beliefs. We have prayed from the beginning that God will just supernaturally nurish her little body and keep her safe. Now, instead of asking for these things, we have shifted into thanking God for the nurishment and protection He has and continues to provide for little Sophie. She is so beautiful and we can not wait to get that little doodle home.

We are still waiting for our paperwork from Homeland Security. Once that comes in, we can get our paperwork headed to China. Ug...this seams like such a long drawn out process! It's painful when you already have accepted these children as your own, to know that they are sitting in an orphanage (and all that entails) waiting for their mommy & daddy. I don't want to wish my life away, but we need to get that baby girl home!

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, I am so excited for your family. New pictures are such a blessing. She does look really cute and healthy! God is so good.


Sophie's Song

Our friend Thad Fiscella wrote a song for our little Sophie. How cool is that! He has offered to share the profits from the sale of this song to help us bring Sophie home. If you would like to hear a sample of the song or purchase a copy for your self, please visit:

Please help us get our precious Sophia home by making a donation!

"Apples for Orphans" You could Win an Apple iPad 2!


Congratulations Connie!!!

We want to send a HUGE thank you for all the hard work and time invested to sell tickets to Julie Dotson, Lisa McCarthy, Haley Haworth, Janet Wickenhouser, and Carol Lombard. Each of these friends sold tickets in their home state and mailed the proceeds and tickets to us to be entered into the drawing. You guys were truly the hands and feet of Jesus! Thank you!!

We want to thank EVERYONE that bought raffle tickets to help us get sweet Sophie home. Because of all of the generosity and kindness shown to us we are getting closer and closer to finally being in the air to go get our girl!
Have a great evening and God bless all of you!
In Him,
Chris and Leslie