Thursday, March 22, 2012

And, they're off!!!

Hello All~
Wow!  Life has been Craaa-zyyy since I last blogged!  Illnesses, surgeries, and more illnesses!!  We are all finally on the mend (knock on wood), and things seem to be slowing down.....sort-of. We are on spring break this week, and it's been a nice repieve from the bussiness of life.  Evan is working now at Mongolian Barbeque, as a "grilla", Grace is babysitting and doing all that she can to raise money for another trip to Jamiaca this summer, Cate is dancing and hanging out with Josy a lot, and Jack is loving school and all the time he can spend outside.  And.....our dossier will finally be in China TOMORROW!!!  Yay!!!  So, it looks like we will be traveling this summer, hopefully in June, and HOPEFULLY have her in our arms before she spends another birthday without us.  That is June 28.  Jack has a huge surgery scheduled for April 5, tentatively, and this will really change the way he looks.  We want him to be strong and fully recovered before we head to China with him this summer.  He is such a trooper and seems to recover so nicely.  We now need to finsish raising the money we need to pay for the adoption.  We have two grants that we should hear from soon, and we are praying and believing that God is going to provide every last penny.....He called us, so He will provide, no doubt!  Jack's amazing surgeon is traveling the end of June to get his new little girl from China...wouldn't it be special to be there at the same time?  Once you get to Gounzhou there is time to visit and take walks and look around, and the play room at the White Swan is such a great place to hear other people's stories of adoption and how God provides.  It would be even cooler to sit and visit with Dr. Jiang in the White Swan play room! We are trying to get rooms organized and ready for our sweet Sophie....I can't believe we will have 5 kids!!!  Holy Cow!!!  Well, we only get one life, and we might as well make as much of a difference and enjoy it as much as possible.  We can't wait to bring our girl home!!  Life will be busy....but so rewarding and fun!  Please pray that the wait for travel will be very, very short!!  Our girl has waited way too long already to have a family!!!
Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful spring.  Isn't the green just gorgeous?!

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Sophie's Song

Our friend Thad Fiscella wrote a song for our little Sophie. How cool is that! He has offered to share the profits from the sale of this song to help us bring Sophie home. If you would like to hear a sample of the song or purchase a copy for your self, please visit:

Please help us get our precious Sophia home by making a donation!

"Apples for Orphans" You could Win an Apple iPad 2!


Congratulations Connie!!!

We want to send a HUGE thank you for all the hard work and time invested to sell tickets to Julie Dotson, Lisa McCarthy, Haley Haworth, Janet Wickenhouser, and Carol Lombard. Each of these friends sold tickets in their home state and mailed the proceeds and tickets to us to be entered into the drawing. You guys were truly the hands and feet of Jesus! Thank you!!

We want to thank EVERYONE that bought raffle tickets to help us get sweet Sophie home. Because of all of the generosity and kindness shown to us we are getting closer and closer to finally being in the air to go get our girl!
Have a great evening and God bless all of you!
In Him,
Chris and Leslie